Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally on his way

I had had some heart problems during the pregnancy, but the baby was always fine – and doctors didn’t really think there was much to be concerned about with my 150 beats-per-minute resting heart rate. I mean, who needs to walk across the room and breath at the same time, right? No big deal - it just made for a fun last 4 months of pregnancy. Needless to say, I was more than ready for this baby to get here. However, he had different plans. He probably knew what he was getting himself into and just wasn’t quite ready to face it. (Who could blame him, look who his parents are, right?)

I was 5 days overdue and the baby still showed no signs of coming when I was finally able to go to the hospital to be induced. I went in the night of December 15 at 8:00 at night. I had to stay over night so that they could get things moving and get the baby to come. They used some medication to speed things up, but then had to lay off when the baby’s heart rate started freaking out. I had to stay pretty still in a certain position and was put on oxygen a couple of times to keep the baby’s heart rate stable – but it didn’t seem to me like anyone was too concerned about that.
When the doctor finally broke my water, there was meconium in the water. There was a risk that the baby could have swallowed some of it, so they had a respiratory team standing by just in case. Overall though, it didn’t seem like anything was out of the ordinary. Not that I would know what was ordinary when it comes to having babies.

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